
It’s hard to grasp how huge India is. It’s a gigantic country comprised of many individual ethnicities and cultures. The diversity within the country is wide and deep, with myriads of languages, religious beliefs, foods, and history. So are the country’s rich history and traditions, from ancient churches carved into stone in  remote caves to colorful and intricate temples, both old and contemporary    The India I see is a colorful and creative place. My…


London has changed dramatically in recent years, but it’s still London. It’s a world of itself, with its unique melange of millennia-old British tradition with post-modern everyday architecture, museums, sights, and shopping. Its countless attractions range from the change of the guards and the torture room at the Tower of London to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum to arguably the best range of ethnic cuisines anywhere.  Below are my thoughts on essential London aspects, tainted, of…