Ross’ Leadership Rules

At a recent CCO Forum my friend Tony Ross, CCO of Woodforest National bank, shared with the group his leadership rules.  As Tony says, in the Army, we are all leaders.  If two privates are standing together, one of them oversees the other, at least by time in grade.  The idea is, every person makes choices whether to lead or just df=rift along. These rules are based upon rules created by BG (Retired) Jimmy R.…

A Complicated 2022

Economy Decelerating: As COVID stimulus programs ebb the economy will transition from recovery to trendline growth, which we and others recognize as 2% or less. The case for this trendline degradation can be seen from the following three exhibits. First is a graph of average GDP growth in between recessions showing a steady weakening following the last three downturns, from 4.1 % core momentum in the 1980s to 3.5%, to 2.7% to 2.1 % following…

Stay Interviews

The concept of interviewing employees regularly in order to better understand how engaged they are with the company and together develop plans to help them achieve their future aspirations has been around for some time. And yet, it took a full-blown pandemic, followed by The Great Resignation wave on late summer 2021, to bring the idea to the forefront. Stay Interviews are IN! You can now find numerous article discussing the concept, why it’s relevant…