Stay Interviews

The concept of interviewing employees regularly in order to better understand how engaged they are with the company and together develop plans to help them achieve their future aspirations has been around for some time. And yet, it took a full-blown pandemic, followed by The Great Resignation wave on late summer 2021, to bring the idea to the forefront. Stay Interviews are IN! You can now find numerous article discussing the concept, why it’s relevant…

Building Franchise Value – What Matters Most

All banks, both private and public, enjoy two types of returns – current income (which is typically measured quarterly) and long-term capital appreciation, which is measured both as the growth in book value as well as the market value of the enterprise, which typically gains a franchise value premium. Analysis by Steven Alexopoulos of JPMorgan Securities shows that, over time, the three most successful paths to yield franchise value premiums are: • Organic growth •…

The Path To Trusted Advisor Redux

Nick Miller is founder and President of Clarity Advantage, a boutique consulting firm that supports bank and banker efforts to attract and develop deeper relationships with small businesses through strategy, social media content, training, and coaching. His Weekly Sales Thought stories and a host of other articles and videos are available in Clarity’s Knowledge Center. Many banks have pronounced: “We want our branches to be advice centers and our relationship bankers to be our clients’…