Culture – The Greatest Intangible Asset You Have

Organizational Culture is defined as “corporate personality”, consisting of the values, beliefs and norms which influence the behavior of people within the organization. Organization culture influences the way people interact, the context within knowledge is created, the resistance to certain changes and ultimately the way people share knowledge and behavior principles. Culture includes the organization’s vision, values, norms, symbols, language, habits and language among the people in the organization. A shared vision and culture norms…

Digital Essentials For Community Banks

The appetite for investment in technology appears insatiable these days.  Every division of the bank needs expensive technology investments to satisfy customer needs TODAY.  CEOs and CIOs are having a hard time prioritizing the constant, ever-growing stream of project requests and partnership integration challenges. Consider the roadmap below to prioritize (and stick to) your commitments to digital transformation. 1. Eliminate friction points at the customer level 2. Work toward a new and modern core system…

Retail Banking

Retail banking has been the backbone of community bank funding and franchise value building for decades. Common wisdom said: Commercial banking generated the revenues and retail banking funds it. This prevailing view rendered banks helpless when technological innovation demanded more from the retail business, well beyond the branch. From ATMs to mobile banking, and now to Real Time Payments and Zelle, the cost to serve consumers continue to increase. At the same time, revenue from…