Question And Answer With Keith Noreika

My good friend Keith Noreika, The most courageous acting Comptroller of the Currency in recent memory, has recently joined a newly expanded consulting firm named Patomak Global Partners as the EVP and Chairman of the Banking Supervision and Regulatory Group.  His insights about our industry have always been valuable and well-informed.   In the exchange below Keith shared his views on a number of key issues our industry is dealing with as we speak. 1.  Headwinds…

Chase’s Vision For Solving For Optimizing The Retail Model

Banks have expressed wariness of the success of FinTechs in gathering deposits in recent years.  These organizations appear to be growing faster than our industry, building share and “eyeballs”, and yet, none has shown meaningful profits.  In fact, even many of those that have been acquitted by larger banks, such as Simple and BBVA, ended up sunsetting.  Fintechs traditionally focused on a narrowly defined product line and consumer segment. That, coupled with their never-ending quest for…

Where Is The Economy Going

Our industry has learned to live with economic uncertainty over the centuries we’ve been in existence. It continues to seek ways to improve its ability to predict the next economic cycle and its impact on banks. The topic of “the next recession” has been prominent at our forums this spring. While there hasn’t been a clear consensus about the timing, severity and impact of the next recession, many of our conversations shed some light on…