How Apple Pay’s Winning Combination Of Innovation And Patience Paid Off

Apple Pay has been nowhere for ages, practically since inception.  There have been no reports of progress, successes, improved penetration and usage, since inception.  So… When did everyone start using Apple Pay?  More than 75% of smartphone and smartwatch owners now use their devices to pay for goods, making up more than 92% of all mobile payments, while Android Pay or Samsung Pay have clearly failed to gain traction.  When did this happen and why…

Earning The Commute

This research was reported on by Dan Bigman.  The article below contains some of his reporting as well as my own observations. Most bank CEOs, while grateful that their team successfully operated their bank remotely for many months, are committed to return to the future and resume in-person office presence to the greatest extent practicable.  Cultural cohesion, new team member onboarding, innovative and collaborative practices and many other facets of bank leadership and processes have…

Loan Accounting System (Las) And Commercial Servicing: Marketplace Update

The production process for commercial loans has remained stagnant for over 100 years.  And then, thanks to emerging technologies and the democratization of development, things changed.  New entrants such as nCino and Sageworks changed the landscape of loan originations forever, and the floodgates opened. My friends at PwC keep close tabs on that end of the market, and this article is based on their market intelligence and viewpoints. The current LAS state falls short on…