The Liquidity Crisis

The events of the past six weeks have been a stunning shock for many of us.  The lightening-speed unraveling of some of the industry’s most respected and analysts’ favorite banks has jarred us all.  Much has been written about the root causes, but no one described the situation more succinctly than my good friend Rodger Levenson, CEO of WSFS Bank. As a backdrop for this liquidity crisis, consider the following: Very low interest rates dating…

The Top 20 Deposit-Rich Industries For 2023

In the quest for deposits, one successful tactic at top-performing banks is to target the right types of customers. While desiring to bank everyone in your community is noble, it can be a poor use of resources. Some customers offer better returns because they use more banking services and have more deposit balances. Not to say you want to ignore parts of your community, but why not focus more of your resources on those industries…

The 4 Minute Mile

When Roger Bannister finished under four minutes for a mile for the first time in 1954, the feat was considered nothing short of super-human. It was indeed a feat. He and his contemporaries were limited by the technology of the period; tracks were made of cinder, running shoes were made of leather, spike implements were literal nails driven through the sole of a sneaker. On top of that, Bannister was a medical school student at…